Areas of Focus:

Marriage and Finances 

*As a couple, what is the most effective method for us to make financial decisions?
*We always fight about money!
*What is the most effective approach for consolidating our finances as a married couple?
*Is it a good idea to merge our finances prior to tying the knot?
*Should I buy a house or car with my boyfriend/girlfriend?

Natasja inspires couples to take a new look at finances and marriage from a principled biblical view. 

Premarital Counseling

Give your marriage a jump start! If you are unsure or want to be best prepared for the exciting journey of marriage, then premarital counseling is for you! If you don't plan, you plan to fail. Natasja helps couples with practical biblical principles to build a lasting marriage.

Resolving Relationship Conflict (Family Coaching)

You and Natasja will look at principles that will get you to effectively communicate and resolve conflict in all types of relationships within the family.

Overwhelmed Teenager 

Anxiety, depression, puberty, relationships, sex, dating, social media, bulling, sexting and pornography are challenges our teenagers are confronted with every day. Natasja guidance and practical strategies helps teenagers thrive in this every changing world. 

Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Feeling overwhelmed with everyday activities? We will get really practical on how to manage daily anxiety and stress.

Coping with Life's Challenges

The decisions you make during difficult times can have a significant impact on your future. It's important to resist the urge to make hasty choices based on emotions alone. Natasja can help you take a mindful approach to your emotions and make principled decisions that will lead to a brighter future.d to a brighter future.

Depression Recovery

Natasja is trained and mentored by Positivity Psychologist Dr Paul Jenkins. Positivity model is a practical tool to help cope with depression in every day life.  

Talking to Your Children About Sex

Are you worried that your child might be looking at pornography? Or are you not sure how to approach "The Talk" as a Christian Parent? Natasja’s coaching program and counseling sessions have been created specifically for Christian parents.

Living a Debt-free Life

The borrower is a slave to the lender" A debt-free life is possible. We will get practical and challenge those defeating views regarding money.